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Assign ranking from tuples of scores in list

I’ve got three tuples in a list, if I’m correct, and I’m trying to return the ranking of the three best player of a given game. Considering the following:

players_score  = [ ('Joe', 100, 34, 38, 90, 67, 3, 10),
                   ('Bob', 90, 38, 4, 100, 60, 4, 11),
                   ('May', 80, 36, 40, 91, 70, 2, 12),
                   ('Anna', 95, 32, 36, 92, 68, 8, 13) ]

Printing the results of game one returns the following score:

[('Joe', 100), ('Bob', 90), ('May', 80), ('Anna', 95)]

But instead, I would like to have the program print this:

[ ('Joe', 1), ('Anna', 2), ('Bob', 3) ]

Since Joe has 100 points, Anna has 95 and Bob has 90.

I'm thinking about using enumerate(), but I figured I may be better of by first converting the tuples to a dictionary, which I tried in the last part of my code, but without much luck. I started trying the following:

#prints the corresponding score with the player.
game = int(input("Please enter the number of a game: "))
game_score = [ (p[0], p[game]) for p in players_score]

#prints a list of results ordered from high to low.
score_list = []

for p in players_score:


#prints only the name and the result of the first game
list = [ (name, first) for name, first, second, third, fourth, sixth, seventh, eighth in players_score ]

#trying to get a convert from a tuple to a dict.
for name, first, second, third, forth, sixth, seventh, eighth in players_score:
    dict(name, first)



  • You have this:

    a = [('Joe', 100), ('Bob', 90), ('May', 80), ('Anna', 95)]

    Try to sort this with the second parameter of each tuple:

    a = sorted(a, key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)


    result = [(v[0], i+1) for i,v in enumerate(a)][0:3]

    the output will be:

    [('Joe', 1), ('Anna', 2), ('Bob', 3)]