I'm trying to use AsyncStorage
('@react-native-community/async-storage') persistance using mobx-persist
. My implementation is basically this: https://github.com/pinqy520/mobx-persist. I can see my store hydrated (in constructor of store itself). I can also access my store in my components, but no changes are persisted between app launches. Is mobx-persist even fit for that? What am I missing? Documentation is trivial, poor and outdated, as well as corresponding samples (appears to be quite typical for anything react-*).
UPDATE: just noticed it's reading in componentDidMount that fails. Looks like store is hydrated later then in componentDidMount. Any idea why?
Turns out store was indeed hydrated later. I've added store property to indicated hydration completion (notice I do not persist it):
@observable hydrated = false;
constructor() {
hydrate('myStore', this).then(() => {
this.hydrated = true;
Then in my component, I've started listening to hydration finish:
() => this.props.observableStore.hydrated,
() => this.doSomething(),
However the above is not enough to make it work. I had to also add another babel plugin so that react-native/decorators/Flow did not mess with each other - it was actually key to my solution:
["@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties", { "loose": true}]