I have unstructured data from my perf logs. I would like to capture the service details from it. I can do delimiter, however I am not able to count or Print the column, since it doesn't have any header.
Kindly help me to figure out this issue.s
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv (r'/Users/Myhome/Documents/Py_Learning/log.csv', sep = '|' , skipinitialspace=True)
#df = pd.read_csv (r'/Users/Myhome/Documents/Py_Learning/log.csv', sep =':|,|[|]', engine='python', header=None) ---> Multi separator is giving error.
SERVICE = df.columns[4]
print (SERVICE)
How can I find the unique service name in all lines and get the count. I would like to give it as a graph with last week data.
Sample data :
I do not know exactely how is your dataset, but you can return unique values by using value_counts
df_unique = (df['SERVICE'].value_counts()