I want to use instagram Basic Display API. Because want to embed a post on my website.
In using the instagram Basic Display API, Official [instagramBasicDisplayAPI]-> [Start Guide] Step 5 "Replace code to get a newborn" does not work. ()
curl -X POST https://api.instagram.com/oauth/access_token client_id=10217016XXXX app_secret=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX grant_type=authorization_code redirect_uri=https://XXXXXXXXXXXXXX code=AQAo6y0E4qD・・・・XXXXXXX
{"error_type": "OAuthException", "code": 400, "error_message": "You must provide a client_id"}
1)what's "client_id"?
2)I can't fix this error anyway, how can I fix it?
3)Is it possible to embed Instagram posts on a website using instagram Basic Display API in the first place?
I had the same error. My issue was a space after the "="