I have run the following Impulse response functions from a VAR model in R
debtarg_1 <- irf(var.est.debt_arg,response="pfdebt_arg",impulse="sp",n.ahead=40,ortho=TRUE,boot=TRUE)
plot(debtarg_1) # response of pfdebt to s&p shock
debtarg_2 <- irf(var.est.debt_arg,response="pfdebt_arg",impulse="m1_us",n.ahead=40,ortho=TRUE,boot=TRUE)
plot(debtarg_2) # response of pfdebt to us M1 Shock
debtarg_3 <- irf(var.est.debt_arg,response="pfdebt_arg",impulse="m1_arg",n.ahead=40,ortho=TRUE,boot=TRUE)
plot(debtarg_3) # response of pfdebt to a domestic m1 shock
debtarg_4 <- irf(var.est.debt_arg,response="pfdebt_arg",impulse="eq_arg",n.ahead=40,ortho=TRUE,boot=TRUE)
plot(debtarg_4) # response of pfdebt to equity market price shock
debtarg_5 <- irf(var.est.debt_arg,response="pfdebt_arg",impulse="pfequity_arg",n.ahead=40,ortho=TRUE,boot=TRUE)
plot(debtarg_5) # response of pfdebt to pfequity shocks
I would like to plot all of these in grid format for a paper using ggplot and gridextra. Does anyone have any advice on how to reproduce this in grid format? I have plotted data in grid format before after reading it into R from an Excel file, however I am unsure of how to approach this with 5 seperate IRFs that I've run. I will attach my code for a grid plot I've made before and hopefully someone could assist me in tweaking this code to plot these 5 IRFs in a grid?
currentdata <- read_excel(path = "./data/current_gdp.xlsx",
col_names = T)
currentdata <- currentdata %>% gather(key = Countries, value = ca, -Date)
g1 <- ggplot(data = currentdata) +
geom_line(aes(x = Date, y = ca, group = 1, colour = Countries), size = 1.3) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)) +
scale_x_discrete(breaks = seq(1980, 2018, by = 5)) +
labs(caption = "Source - World Bank (2019)", x = "", y = "Current Account (as a % of GDP)") +
facet_wrap(~Countries, scales = "free") + guides(color = FALSE)
UPDATE - I have included a sample of my dataset (debt_arg) below.
sp m1_us m1_arg eq_arg pfdebt_arg pfequity_arg
[1,] 43.090997 414955.4 1538.701 270.48 326000000 0
[2,] 26.979045 410044.9 2398.424 265.24 21000000 0
[3,] 16.967093 403034.4 2392.100 652.73 11000000 0
[4,] 29.505141 412023.8 4133.943 800.62 7869000000 0
[5,] 4.173189 422013.3 3777.726 747.79 862806000 321395635
[6,] -4.848764 418102.8 4867.334 660.42 538167500 -27163752
[7,] -24.060716 435092.2 4108.552 419.80 476328500 578208609
[8,] 755.186270 717496.6 -29574.420 33461.77 -1071543954 -130885582
[9,] 363.624318 716186.1 -23324.997 30292.55 -728949104 -187033565
[10,] 664.462366 728275.5 -32336.032 33466.03 519284161 195110656
From this, I ran a VAR Model using the following line of code.
var.est.debt_arg <- VAR(debt_arg,p=1,type="both",season=NULL)
I would like to plot the 5 IRFs at the top all in the same row
from this
Thank you!
The plot you generate using the impulse model is using base R. Below is a possible solution. I cannot do the fit with your example, so I used something from the package:
use example data Canada and run VAR:
var.est.debt_arg <- VAR(Canada, p = 2, type = "both",season=NULL)
define response and impulse variables
RESPONSE = "prod"
IMPULSE = c("e","U","rw")
collect all your fits in a list:
fits = lapply(IMPULSE,function(i){
names(fits) = IMPULSE
Iterate through the fits, generate the plot and capture it using as_grob
P = lapply(fits,function(i)as_grob(~plot(i,cex.main=0.7,mar=c(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5))))
If you want to use ggplot, then:
plotdf = lapply(names(fits),function(i){
index = 1:nrow(fits[[i]]$irf[[1]]),
Impulse = i)
ggplot(plotdf,aes(x=index,y=value)) +
geom_line() +facet_wrap(~Impulse) +
geom_ribbon(aes(ymin=Lower,ymax=Upper),fill=NA,col="salmon",linetype="dashed") +
geom_hline(yintercept=0,col="salmon") + theme_bw()