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gitlab-CI pipeline: lftp error 550 when trying to delete files

I am using the free shared runners on the environment. I have a gitlab-CI pipeline that runs the following lftp commands one after the other:

  • lftp -c "set ftp:ssl-allow no; open -u $USERNAME,$PASSWORD $HOST; glob -a rm -r ./httpdocs/*"
  • lftp -c "set ftp:ssl-allow no; open -u $USERNAME,$PASSWORD $HOST; mirror -R public/ httpdocs --ignore-time --parallel=50 --exclude-glob .git* --exclude .git/"

The purpose of these commands is to delete the content of the httpdocs folder (previous files) and then upload new build artifact.

The CI pipeline is triggered from a CMS. It sometimes happen that the content editors update the content in parallel, resulting in a lot of triggers that run in parallel (the pipeline takes about 3 minutes to finish).

The pipeline will then start failing with the following error:

rm: Access failed: 550 /httpdocs/build-html-styles.css: No such file or directory

This happens because a file deleted by another pipeline is queued for deletion. A very similar error happens when the httpdocs folder is completely empty. This results in my whole pipeline failing (the second upload lftp command does not get executed at all).

Examples of failing pipelines and their output:

How do I prevent this from happening? Using lftp to upload the artifact is not a must - I am running the node:8.10.0 docker image. Gitlab-ci.yml file in question.


  • I was commenting about simple file locking with simple active polling waiting. I have no experience with lftp, but scrambling from various internet resources like this, I have written the following. I see that lftp does not support file locking in the protocol, so you could something like this:

    const="set ftp:ssl-allow no; open -u $USERNAME,$PASSWORD $HOST"
    # wait until file exists
    while lftp -c "$const; df lockfile"; do sleep 1; done
    # create the lockfile
    lftp -c "$const; mkdir lockfile"
    # the work
    lftp -c "$const; glob -a rm -r ./httpdocs/*"
    lftp -c "$const; mirror -R public/ httpdocs  --ignore-time --parallel=50 --exclude-glob .git* --exclude .git/"
    # remove lockfile
    lftp -c "$const; rmdir lockfile"

    I used mkdir and rmdir and a directory instead of a file, because I don't know how to create an empty file with lftp. There is still a race condition between finding file and creating it, but it should protect at least against two concurrent accesses. To protect more you could do something like sleep 0.$(printf "%02d" $((RANDOM / 10))) - make the sleep time random, so they enter creating a file less "concurently".

    Also just in case, I wouldn't mirror to httpdocs directory, but to some temporary directory like tmp=httpdocs_$(uuidgen); lftp "mirror .. $tmp" that could be later renamed lftp 'rmdir httpdocs; rename $tmp httpdocs", for making deployments safer with less downtime (less time with httpdocs beeing empty). For future I suggest to just move to a safer/more advanced protocol of connecting with your remote server, that supports file locking. Like ssh. Or maybe samba.