Search code examples

Formatting String data in an SQL Select Search

I'm honestly not sure how to phrase this. So I'm just going to explain the issue

In order to find as many possible matches as possible, I currently run a piece of code that converts data to upper case, removes spaces and invalid characters. For example:

Hi there, I'm very happy! -> HITHEREIMVERYHAPPY

My database is reaching a size where it's no longer efficient to run the piece of code that checks each line in a ResultSet, so I was wondering if this is possible in SQL somehow?

SELECT * FROM Data WHERE Input.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "").replace(" ", "").toUpperCase() = INPUT AND Response.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "").replace(" ", "").toUpperCase() = RESPONSE


  • You might like RLIKE for this.

    -- Sample data
    create table Data
      Id int primary key auto_increment,
      Input varchar(100),
      Response varchar(100)
    insert into Data (Input, Response) values
      ('Hi there, I''m very happy! ->', 'To have 1 solution.')
    , ('HITHEREIMVERYHAPPY', 'ToHave1Solution')
    , ('I rlike this', 'IRLikeThis')


    SELECT *
    FROM Data
    WHERE Input RLIKE '[^ A-Za-z0-9]'
      AND Response RLIKE '[^ A-Za-z0-9]'


    Id | Input                        | Response           
    -: | :--------------------------- | :------------------
     1 | Hi there, I'm very happy! -> | To have 1 solution.

    db<>fiddle here

    It basically uses the regex [^ A-Za-z0-9], which matches strings that contain any character that's not a letter, digit or space.