I am editing in editor.swagger.io How can I download response from API locally which is a excel file? The API being used for converting json to Excel is written in python. My snippet -
description: "JSON to Excel conversion succeeded"
type: string
format: binary
I get server response of 200 saying
😱 Could not render this component, see the console.
In console the response headers are -
cache-control: public, max-age=0
content-length: 8515
content-type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
expires: Tue, 10 Dec 2019 15:14:55 GMT
I want to save excel file locally.
Figured out that Content Disposition header has to be exposed in the python code for MIME types such as application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.
In python code you should have a line like this -
If your MIME type is application/octet-stream then this isn't required but for other MIME types this may be required.