I have a PHP login script with a basic form, it leads to this file which is the authorization file that contains the credentials, but I want this file to check a text file for a matching username and password from a text file formatted like username:password
or something similar. Anyone got any ideas?
if ( ! isset( $_POST['submitted'] ) )
header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
$credentials = [
'username' => 'TESTUSER',
'password' => 'TESTPASS'
if ( $credentials['username'] !== $_POST['username']
OR $credentials['password'] !== $_POST['password'] )
header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
$_SESSION["000000"] = "1";
header('Location:' . 'index.php');
The choice of the type of persistent storage is up to you, but you should:
Never store passwords as plain text, use password_hash()
before storing them.
Then, on login, use password_verify()
to verify that the password matches the hash in your storage medium (e.g. database / flat file).
echo password_hash("somepassword", PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
$hash = '$2y$10$f.iC/tadtwSws25fW2zRg./.xlY.mRK82Ys9M4acbPU/b614vA1vy';
if (password_verify('somepassword', $hash)) {
echo 'The password is valid!';
} else {
echo 'The password is not valid';
You can play around with this demo
UPDATE: A bare bones example of a flat file (.json
) user store / login-verify script. You still need to do data validation and sanitization on the user input, and decide if a flat file store is the best solution / sufficient for the level of security your application requires.
There are two files:
the app - user store / login-verificationusers.json
the flat file database (user credentials: name
and password
renders two forms, the first can be used to add users to users.json
, and the second to do login verification.
function getForm(string $submitName, string $submitValue)
$form = <<<HEREDOC
<form method="POST">
<label for="username">User Name : </label>
<input type="text" name="username" id="username" required>
<label for="password">Password : </label>
<input type="text" name="password" id="password" required>
<input type="submit" name="$submitName" value="$submitValue">
return $form;
// build forms
$userForm = getForm('submit_user', 'Add User');
$loginForm = getForm('submit_login', 'Login');
/* add a new user to flat file database */
echo $userForm;
if (isset($_POST['submit_user'])) {
// retrieve user input - you still need to do data validation and sanitizing
$userName = (isset($_POST['username'])) ? $_POST['username'] : null;
$passWord = (isset($_POST['password'])) ? $_POST['password'] : null;
$passWord = password_hash($passWord, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); // store a hash
// get user.json file
$file = "./users.json";
$users = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
// insert new user credentials
$users['users'][] = ['name' => $userName, 'password' => $passWord];
// write to flat file database
file_put_contents($file, json_encode($users));
/* login - verify user credentials */
echo $loginForm;
if (isset($_POST['submit_login'])) {
// retrieve user input - you still need to do data validation and sanitizing
$userName = (isset($_POST['username'])) ? $_POST['username'] : null;
$passWord = (isset($_POST['password'])) ? $_POST['password'] : null;
// get user.json file
$file = "./users.json";
$users = json_decode(file_get_contents($file), true);
// verify user
foreach ($users['users'] as $key => $value) {
if (strtolower($value['name']) === strtolower($userName)) {
$hash = $value['password'];
$verify = password_verify($passWord, $hash); // verify
if ($verify === true) {
echo 'User Login Validated';
} else echo 'Login Not Valid';
The flat file users database: users.json
"users": [
"name": "Jack",
"password": "$2y$10$FBLkEDGX3I6HAVgptJ6q1ujo5K6cFtZn2wNKXKUhoWGNtcwfsRlpi"
"name": "Jill",
"password": "$2y$10$yKp79.HujKW3yFvxPDYvqePcUJ9uLWJ92d5TpSy62YtuRTezWrsna"
"name": "Annie",
"password": "$2y$10$eWctVmNAadkf138J0iTVr.5u7vmRl9vcglAhSEjbp0WqQphKFjwYC"