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How to delete in Django? Django migrations are not working

I am using Django 2.2 with Python 3.7 on Windows 10.

I created a project and then an app. The was populated by using INSPECTDB for an existing Postgres database. I removed the line 'managed = False' from each class.

I created the initial makemigrations and did the migrate. There are app migration files, and

I had to make changes, adding more classes, in the file. Then I ran the makemigration and migrate on the app.

Now I get a message '.errors.DuplicateTable: relation "INT_ORG" already exists.' Throws an exception.

I tried to use 'python makemigrations' and got the message that there were no changes detected.

I tried to use 'python migrate --fake-initial'. This Errored with duplicate table already exists

No luck. I'm failing badly here.

And while working yesterday, somehow - don't know how, another migration file shows up called '' The '' migration file has all my changes in it. But it is not being migrated either when I try to makemigrations and migrate.

I need to go back to a point I can understand and not loose everything. A co-worker had a similar problem and they just started a new project and new app. I don't want to have to do that.

Can someone please tell me how to delete the migration files: and ? I would like to do this in the terminal window of PyCharm for Django.

I have tried this code to remove migrations: 'delete from django_migrations where app = myapp' and got the error: 'delete' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I have tried this code to remove migrations: 'git rm myapp/migrations/*' and got the error: 'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I have tried this code to remove migrations: 'remove myapp/migrations/*' and got the error: 'remove' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

I have looked at several sources on the internet and also in StackOverflow that are similiar to my problem, but no answers that work.

Would appreciate any help. Thank you. Mag


  • As answered here, you should revert back to the point that you want: link Hope that's the answer which you're looking for!