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How to generate strings drawn from every possible character?

At the moment I'm generating strings like this:

arbStr :: Gen String
arbStr = listOf $ elements (alpha ++ digits)
  where alpha = ['a'..'z']
        digits = ['0'..'9']

But obviously this only generates strings from alpha num chars. How can I do it to generate from all possible chars?


  • Char is a instance of both the Enum and Bounded typeclass, you can make use of the arbitraryBoundedEnum :: (Bounded a, Enum a) => Gen a function:

    import Test.QuickCheck(Gen, arbitraryBoundedEnum, listOf)
    arbStr :: Gen String
    arbStr = listOf arbitraryBoundedEnum

    For example:

    Prelude Test.QuickCheck> sample arbStr

    Or you can make use of the arbitrary in the Arbitrary Char typeclass:

    import Test.QuickCheck(Gen, arbitrary, listOf)
    arbStr :: Gen String
    arbStr = listOf arbitrary

    Note that the arbitrary for Char is implemented such that ASCII characters are (three times) more common than non-ASCII characters, so the "distribution" is different.