Is it possible to remove a node from a tree in Rascal? Take the ColoredTree for an example.
How do you write a function deleteNode? For example:
public ColoredTree deleteNode(ColoredTree t){
return visit(t) {
case red(l, r) => someProperty ? DELETE : DO NOTHING;
That is interesting.
See the definition of ColoredTree in the example is this:
data ColoredTree = leaf(int N)
| red(ColoredTree left, ColoredTree right)
| black(ColoredTree left, ColoredTree right);
Similar to a Java enum the type ColoredTree
can be one of 3 things: a leaf
, a red
or a black
constructor. There is no alternative for "nothing" and Rascal has no "null" (on purpose! see
If you want to remove something, it must be in a context where a correct value is left over, such as elements in a list, a set or a map. Or you might want to introduce your own special "null" value.
Here is an example. We add an alternative to ColoredTree to represent nothingness:
data ColoredTree = choppedTheBranch();
and now we can rewrite the tree like you proposed:
ColoredTree deleteNode(ColoredTree t){
return visit(t) {
case t:red(l, r) => someProperty ? choppedTheBranch() : t;
Although this is more idiomatically written as:
ColoredTree deleteNode(ColoredTree t){
return visit(t) {
case t:red(l, r) => choppedTheBranch() when someProperty;
A different approach is to use containers such as lists. Here I changed red and black nodes to have a list of children rather than only a left and right child:
data ColoredTree = leaf(int N)
| red(list[ColoredTree] children)
| black(list[ColoredTree] children);
This allows us to remove elements from these lists without destroying the type-correctness of the trees. For example:
ColoredTree deleteNode(ColoredTree t){
return visit(t) {
case list[ColoredTree] children => [c | c <- children, !someProperty(c)]
I usually make sure to match a context around a list, to avoid accidental matches, like so:
ColoredTree deleteNode(ColoredTree t){
return visit(t) {
case red(children) => red([c | c <- children, !someProperty(c)])
case black(children) => black([c | c <- children, !someProperty(c)])
This example makes it look like a code clone, but in AST analysis often the fact that two nodes require the same treatment is best made explicit/declarative, and more often each node requires a different treatment.