I want to be able to spec out that when Open-Uri open() calls either timeout or raise an exception such as SocketError I am handling things as expected, however I'm having trouble with this.
Here is my spec (for SocketError):
And the part of my object where I'm using open-uri:
resp = open(url)
resp = resp.read
rescue SocketError
something = true
However in this situation the spec fails as with a nil.read
This is the second time this week I've come across this problem, the previous time I was attempting to simulate a TimeoutError when wrapping open()
with a timeout() {}
, that time I gave up and just caused an actual timeout to happen by opening up the class. I could obviously cause this to throw a SocketError by trying to call an invalid URL, but I'm sure there is a correct way to mock this out with RSpec.
Update: I obviously wasn't thinking clearly that late at night, the error was actually when I re-tried the URL after the SocketError, the and_raise(SocketError) part worked fine.
The line you provided should work, based on the information you've given: I made a tiny test class and spec (see below) with only the described functionality, and things behaved as expected. It might be helpful if you could provide a little more context - the full "it" block from the spec, for instance, might expose some other problem.
As mentioned, the following spec passes, and I believe it captures the logic you were attempting to verify:
require 'rubygems'
require 'spec'
class Foo
attr_accessor :socket_error
def get(url)
@socket_error = false
resp = open(url)
resp = resp.read
rescue SocketError
@socket_error = true
describe Foo do
before do
@foo = Foo.new
it "should handle socket errors" do
@foo.socket_error.should be_true