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Lamar AddInstances with ServiceRegistry

I have a dotnet core website setup with Lamar, I have the following method in Startup.cs

public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceRegistry services)

I want to use AddInstances() as described in the documents at

Add Many Registrations with For().AddInstances()

// registry is a StructureMap Registry object
registry.For<IService>().AddInstances(x =>
    // Equivalent to For<IService>().Add<ColorService>().....

    // Equivalent to For<IService>().Add(new ColorService("Yellow"))......
    x.Object(new ColorService("Yellow")).Named("Yellow");

    // Equivalent to For<IService>().Use(() => new ColorService("Purple"))....
    x.ConstructedBy(() => new ColorService("Purple")).Named("Purple");


However, AddInstances() does not exist, I get the following error

'ServiceRegistry.InstanceExpression' does not contain a definition for 'AddInstances' and no accessible extension method 'AddInstances' accepting a first argument of type 'ServiceRegistry.InstanceExpression' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

services.For<IService>().AddInstances(x =>


Is this in another namespace? does it only exist on a StructureMap Registry object as per the example, if so how do I get that from the injected ServiceRegistry?


  • I guess the method has been deprecated as you can simply do...
