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Reload navigation fragment with bundle arguments and animation, called from within itself

I have a navigation fragment which accepts data to display from bundle arguments. After user action, this fragment is 3 level deeper from the nav host activity. There is option to go next or previous (multiple times) which should reload the same fragment, but with newer data. For next/prev loading, if I create bundle and call Navigation.findNavController(it).navigate, on an action pointing to itself, it just keeps on adding same fragment to the stack.

inside <navigation> tag of file app:navGraph="@navigation/mobile_navigation" along with other fragments

            app:argType="model.Question" />
            app:destination="@id/questionFragment" />

Click listener for forward button inside override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?)

forward.setOnClickListener {
        if (thisQ?.questionNo != null) {
            val curQNo = thisQ?.questionNo!!
            val curLevelNo = thisQ?.qOfLevel!!
            val totalQCount = thisQ?.totalQCount!!
            if (curQNo < totalQCount) {
                val bundle = Bundle()
                val etActivity = context as eTLanding
                val wholeQSet =  etActivity.getSelectionSet()!!
                var questionSet = wholeQSet[curLevelNo-1].questions!!
                var nextQuestion = questionSet[curQNo]
                bundle.putSerializable("questionObj", nextQuestion)
                Navigation.findNavController(it).navigate(, bundle)
            } else {
                forward.isEnabled = false

How can I replace the currently displayed fragment with popToLeft/Right animation for previous and next button clicks?

I am using onViewCreated to bind data to view elements and attach button listeners


  • This worked with minor adjustments like adding more arguments as per my need

    internal fun navigateWithAnimation(actionId: Int, beginStackFrag: Int, anyView: View, isBackNav: Boolean, bundle: Bundle) {
            val navBuilder = NavOptions.Builder()
            val navController = Navigation.findNavController(anyView)
            // val currNavigationNode = navController.graph.findNode(beginStackFrag)
            if (isBackNav) {
            } else {
            navBuilder.setPopUpTo(beginStackFrag, false)
            navController.navigate(actionId, bundle,

    Alternative How to add animation transition to NavigationUI in android?