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How to open new page from page which is open from stackview in Qt

I have StackView in main.qml.I pushed menu.qml file from main.qml using stackview. I'm trying to access stackview in menu.qml file to open new item. Is there a way with which we can push component/items with properties using stackview? My components are basically.qml files for different views

 ApplicationWindow {
id: settingsWindow

        StackView {
            id: stack
            initialItem: view

            Component {
                id: view

                MouseArea {

                    onClicked: stack.push(view)

        id: button1
        onClicked: {
                stack.push (Qt.resolvedUrl("menu.qml"))


 Item {
 id: button1  
 onclicked : {  stack.push (Qt.resolvedUrl("new.qml"))  }


  • Assuming you mean you want to access the StackView object from withing pages you pushed on it.

    StackView has an attached property, which lets you obtain a reference to the view that owns the page.

    Long story short, in Menu.qml you can do:

    Item {  
        id: root                                                               
        Button {                                                            
            id: button1                                                    
            onClicked: { root.StackView.view.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("new.qml")) } 