Question: Is possible to set blocked days after fetch from server? (wait/recall isDayBlocked callback or re-initialize calendar)
Problem: Callback 'isDayBlocked' is called after calendar changes view to next month when data are not ready yet.
Example Code:
import { DayPickerSingleDateController } from 'react-dates';
class DayPicker {
isDayBlocked(day) {
return this.days.has(day);
handleMonthChange() {
// async api fetch
this.days = getNextMonthBlockedDays();
render() {
What i tried:
mount/unmount calendar depending on loading prop (problem - animation to next month before nextMount callback + when calendar disappear it looks bad)
load to store nextMonth data, so when i change view to nextMonth 'isDayBlocked' works good and fetch data for nextMonth (problem - double click on nextMonth change or slow connection)
Any ideas please?
I added absolute overlay div with spinner while loading is in progress.