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AWS ECS: multiple containers deployed but only one container on port 80 is discoverable

I am trying to run my docker containers on aws ecs using aws-cli (instance-type is EC2)

I have a docker-compose file with 2 services.

  image: dockerhub/image1
   - "4500:9090"
  image: dockerhub/image2
  - "80:3030"

When i run this on aws ecs using ecs-cli:

ecs-cli compose service up --config-name config --ecs-profile etc

My containers fire up successfully But ONLY one container (the service-two) shows up on port 80, i cannot see my service-one on port 4500 even though it is running successfully inside docker (docker container ps). I also tried running service-one on port 80 and then it showed up.

Summarizing: i can't discover any container from the web unless it in running on port 80.


  • Check the security group associated with your EC2 instance and on inbound rules add a new rule of type http, as Port range your container port (4500), as source, just for testing (you are exposing your service to the world), select source Anywhere.