I'm developing an extension that I need to play an audio from the remote server and I have another server to fetch other information.
I put the following line in manifest.json
"content_security_policy": "default-src 'self' https://firstserver.com https://serverwithaudio.com;"
I also tried
"content_security_policy": "default-src 'self' https://firstserver.com; media-src https://serverwithaudio.com;"
but none of them worked and I still get this error:
Content Security Policy: The page’s settings blocked the loading of a resource at https://serverwithaudio.com/media/audio1.mp3 (“default-src”).
Is it possible to play a remote audio from two different sources or I missed something in my manifest.json
I solved the issue.
First of all if you put content_security_policy
in your manifest.json
, you won't be able to submit it in Mozilla extension directory.
Second, I moved the audio file to the same server as I get the information. then play the audio from background script.
when I click on the button on content script I send a message to background script with the audio url:
let audioUrl = "https://example.com/media/audio.mp3";
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({audio: audioUrl});
And in background script:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(req, sender, sendResponse){
if (req.audio) {
(new Audio(req.audio)).play();
return true;
and bear in mind that you still need to mention your host in permission directive.
"permissions": [