My goal is to find out if the query param project
is set at loading of the application. Whilst I also have to load a list of projects. When I got both informations I can proceed with my logic.
Here is what I got so far
this.projects$.pipe(first(),filter(p => p && p.length > 0))
]).subscribe(([projectParam, projects]) => {
console.log(projectParam, projects);
The this.route
is of type ActivatedRoute:
The projects$ observable works ideally. But the queryParams observable is being called twice. Once with the value undefined
and then later on with the real value. But I just want the last value.
Since the url is optional both options are valid.
Any idea how I can make queryParams just fire on the final value.
Thanks to the discussion here: I came up with the following solution:
private get finalQueryParams$(): Observable<Params> {
return merge(
// get urls with query params like /test?project=test
filter(params => Object.keys(params).length > 0)
// get urls without query params like /test
filter(() => !(window.location.href || '').includes('?')),
map(() => ({}))
It fires just once and I get the real value of the queryParams.
In the code above I then just had to change it to
this.projects$.pipe(first(),filter(p => p && p.length > 0))
]).subscribe(([projectParam, projects]) => {
console.log(projectParam, projects);