I am try to use R to calculate sales as a function of inventory as a function of sales. See below data snapshot. Is there anyway to calculate this?
I am given this data frame:
Group <- c("A","A","A","A","A","B","B","B","B","B")
Day <- c(1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5)
Inventory <- c(50000,NA,NA,NA,NA,20000,NA,NA,NA,NA)
Sell_Thru <- c(.05,.06,.07,.08,.09,.05,.06,.04,.11,.01)
inv_proj <- data.frame(Group, Day,Inventory,Sell_Thru,Sales)
Trying to populate this data frame
Group <- c("A","A","A","A","A","B","B","B","B","B")
Day <- c(1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5)
Inventory <-c(50000,47500,44650,41525,38203,20000,19000,17860,17146,15260)
Sell_Thru <- c(.05,.06,.07,.08,.09,.05,.06,.04,.11,.01)
Sales <- c(2500,2850,3126,3322,3438,1000,1140,714,1886,153)
inv_proj <- data.frame(Group, Day,Inventory,Sell_Thru,Sales)
for(i in 1:nrow(inv_proj)) {
inv_proj$Sales[i] = round(inv_proj$Inventory[i] * inv_proj$Sell_Thru[i])
if (i == nrow(inv_proj)) break
if (is.na(inv_proj$Inventory[i + 1])) {
inv_proj$Inventory[i + 1] = inv_proj$Inventory[i] - inv_proj$Sales[i]
# Group Day Inventory Sell_Thru Sales
# 1 A 1 50000 0.05 2500
# 2 A 2 47500 0.06 2850
# 3 A 3 44650 0.07 3126
# 4 A 4 41524 0.08 3322
# 5 A 5 38202 0.09 3438
# 6 B 1 20000 0.05 1000
# 7 B 2 19000 0.06 1140
# 8 B 3 17860 0.04 714
# 9 B 4 17146 0.11 1886
# 10 B 5 15260 0.01 153