I'm animating a path through several d values and am constantly reusing the same shape. In the simplified example below I'm morphing a main triangle M 1,5 L 9,1 9,9 Z
into 3 smaller triangles. To do this, I've had to write the d value for the main triangle into the <animate/>
's values attribute 4 times.
<svg width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 10 10" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<path fill="black" stroke="none">
<animate attributeName="d" values="M 1,5 L 9,1 9,9 Z;
M 2,2 L 5,8 8,2 Z;
M 1,5 L 9,1 9,9 Z;
M 7,3 L 3,3 5,7 Z;
M 1,5 L 9,1 9,9 Z;
M 6,4 L 6,6 4,5 Z;
M 1,5 L 9,1 9,9 Z" dur="3s" repeatCount="indefinite" />
With more complicated animations and shapes the SVG gets large, error-prone, and generally difficult to work with. Ideally I could do something like: <animate values="${a};${b};${a};${c};${a};${d};${a}" ... />
. Is there a way to do this without javascript?
I thought I got close with CSS variables and a data URI as the content property of ::before ...but data URIs aren't strings (and what I really want isn't a hack but a "right way" that I missed)
In SVG2, the d
attribute has become a presentational attribute and can therefore be set by CSS.
We can thus use it in css animations, with css-variables.
But the browser support is still very low (only Blink as of today).
<svg width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 10 10" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
:root {
--def-A: path("M 1,5 L 9,1 9,9 Z");
--def-B: path("M 2,2 L 5,8 8,2 Z");
--def-C: path("M 7,3 L 3,3 5,7 Z");
--def-D: path("M 6,4 L 6,6 4,5 Z");
path {
animation: path-change 3s linear infinite;
@keyframes path-change {
0% { d: var(--def-A); }
17% { d: var(--def-B); }
33% { d: var(--def-A); }
50% { d: var(--def-C); }
66% { d: var(--def-A); }
83% { d: var(--def-D); }
100% { d: var(--def-A); }
<path fill="black" stroke="none"></path>
So given it's just a one time thing, you can also just consider using the replace-all
method of your text-editor to make the edition easy.