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edit example queries in fuseki

Is there a way to change the default example queries in jena fuseki?

I'd like to include a set of sample queries for people to run during a demonstration without popping into another window to copy over the queries.


  • On Windows: %FUSEKI_HOME%\webapp\js\app\qonsole-config.js:

    /** Standalone configuration for qonsole on index page */
    define( [], function() {
      return {
        prefixes: {
          "rdf":      "",
          "rdfs":     "",
          "owl":      "",
          "xsd":      ""
        queries: [
          { "name": "Selection of triples",
            "query": "SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object\nWHERE {\n" +
                     "  ?subject ?predicate ?object\n}\n" +
                     "LIMIT 25"
          { "name": "Selection of classes",
            "query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?class ?label ?description\nWHERE {\n" +
                     "  ?class a owl:Class.\n" +
                     "  OPTIONAL { ?class rdfs:label ?label}\n" +
                     "  OPTIONAL { ?class rdfs:comment ?description}\n}\n" +
                     "LIMIT 25",
            "prefixes": ["owl", "rdfs"]
    } );