I working on a App that pulls simple online, json below.
this.itemList = {
"list": [
title: "Power Audit",
text: "666",
textTwo: "",
Type: "auditform-main",
link: this.linkOne
title: "FLHA Three",
text: "999",
textTwo: "",
Type: "form-main",
link: this.linkFive
and then an ion-card displays the the data.
Here is the html.
<ion-card *ngFor="let data of itemList.list let i = index">
<!-- saves data to ionic storage -->
<div class = "linkDB" (click)="saveData(data.link)">
Download {{data.title}}
<!--<div *ngIf="this.checkForKey(data.title) is true"> ****** Breaks App ****** -->
<!-- checks to see if storage key ionic storage exists -->
<div class = "dbButton" (click)="checkForKey(data.title)">
Check For storage key {{data.title}}
<div class = "dbButton" (click)="deleteKeyValue(data.title)" >
Delete from storage {{data.title}}
I have methods to (1) save the data to ionic storage, (2) Check if storage key exists, (3) Delete the storage key.
What I am trying to accomplish is hide the delete button if the storage key does not exist. I have tried an *ngIf statement using the checkForKey() method but this just goes into an infinite loop. I have also tried ngShow, but this also has not worked for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
saveData(data) {
this.storage.set( data.Name, JSON.stringify( data.Sections )).then(() => {
checkForKey(data) {
this.storage.get(data).then(value => {
return true
return false
async deleteKeyValue(value: string) {
const alert = await this.alertController.create({
header: 'Confirm Deletion!',
message: 'Delete this item <strong>?</strong>',
buttons: [
text: 'Cancel',
role: 'cancel',
cssClass: 'secondary',
handler: () => {
console.log('Confirm Cancel: blah');
}, {
text: 'DELETE',
cssClass: 'delete',
handler: () => {
this.storage.remove(value).then(() => {
await alert.present();
What I ended up doing was using *ngIf="i == data.task" in line thirteen. So if the storage key does not exist
listKeys() {
this.storage.keys().then((k) => {
this.loop = k;
no div *ngFor="let i of loop" shows up.
<ion-card *ngFor="let data of itemList.list let i = index">
<ion-card-title class = "linkCenter">{{data.task}}</ion-card-title>
<p>ID: <span style="color:#222428;" >{{data.formID}}</span></p>
<p>Date: <span style="color:#222428;" >{{data.date}}</span></p>
<p>Auditors: <span style="color:#222428;" ><b>{{data.auditors}}</b></span></p>
<p>Inspection Type: <span style="color:#222428;" ><b>{{data.inspectionType}}</b></span></p>
<div class = "linkCenter">
<ion-button *ngIf= "data.downloadable == true" fill="outline" color="medium" (click)="saveData(data.link)" >Download</ion-button>
<div *ngFor="let i of loop">
<div *ngIf="i == data.task">
<div class = "linkButtons">
<ion-button fill="outline" color="primary" (click)="openForm(data.Type, data.task)"> Open </ion-button>
<ion-button fill="outline" color="blackgreen" [disabled]="data.update == false" (click)="syncData()">Sync</ion-button>
<ion-button fill="outline" color="danger" [disabled]="data.delete == false" (click)="deleteAudit( i )">Delete</ion-button>