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BackgroundJobs do not let you get Users with IRepository

Use case: I need to pull a user record based on the ARGS coming from the BackgroundJob

public class ULBackgroundJob : BackgroundJob<ULJobArgsDto>, ITransientDependency, IULBackgroundJob
 private readonly IRepository<User, long> _userRepository;
 public ULBackgroundJob
 (IRepository<User, long> userRepository)
    _userRepository = userRepository;

 public  override void Execute(ULJobArgsDto args)
  User user = _userRepository.FirstOrDefault(args.UserId);

Results: I always get zero results and I have checked that the user id value exists.

Suspected Issue: The SQL that is generated inserts "@__ef_filter__IsMayHaveTenantFilterEnabled_1=1" into the query so I suspect I need to somehow get that set to Zero when I run from a BackgroundJob..?


  • You need to disable IMayHaveTenant filter to view cross-tenant entities:

    using (CurrentUnitOfWork.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant))
        User user = _userRepository.FirstOrDefault(args.UserId);

    You can read more about data filters in the ASP.NET Boilerplate documentation: