I am trying to use Amplify Authenticator to block access to my app while a user is not signed in.
<Authenticator includeGreetings={true}>
<Provider store={dataStore}>
<Router history={hist}>
In my component MyView in the render method I am trying to do a simple auth check by :
if (this.props.authState !== 'signedIn') {
return (<></>);
But for some reason when checking the auth state in the if condition, it is undefined.
Why is the property undefined - I understood in the docs that it is being down flown to all child components.
but I don't understand where to call that method, I don't have access to this in any place.
Help will be appreciated.
Not a specialist but I faced this issue and struggle with the doc the same way you seems to.
I stumble over a solution
In the index, I render my components that way
<Provider store={store}>
hide={[SignUp, SignIn, Greetings]}
In my app component, I now have access to the authState
. So I re-inject it in the other components:
<Route path="/dashboard">
<DashboardContainer authState={this.props.authState}/>
<Route path="/admin">
<AdminComponent authState={this.props.authState}/>
I don't know if it is THE solution but well, for me it works