I'm trying to return the following xml from a web api
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE cXML SYSTEM "http://xml.cxml.org/schemas/cXML/1.2.014/cXML.dtd">
<cXML payloadID="payloadID" xml:lang="en" timestamp="2019-12-12T12:57:27-08:00">
<Status code="200" text="OK" />
but the actual return is
<cXML payloadID="payloadID" xml:lang="en" timestamp="2019-12-12T12:57:27-08:00">
<Status code="200" text="OK" />
here's a code snippet
[HttpPost("api/[controller]/{format}"), FormatFilter]
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] AribaPurchaseOrder.Order Order)
// Process Order .......
//Ariba order response
var response = "";
response += @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?>";
response += @"<!DOCTYPE cXML SYSTEM ""http://xml.cxml.org/schemas/cXML/1.2.014/cXML.dtd"">";
response += $@"<cXML payloadID=""{Order.PayloadID}"" xml:lang=""en"" timestamp=""{GetAribaFormatTimeStamp()}"">";
response += @"<Response>";
response += @"<Status code=""200"" text=""OK""/>";
response += @"</Response>";
response += @"</cXML>";
return new ObjectResult(response) { StatusCode = 200 };
Can anyone advise how to send the response in the correct format?
return this.Content(response, "text/xml");