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How to define mongoose schema for nested documents

I need to define the mongoose schema for for nested documents which is given below.



I was declaring like below but its not working.

const Product = new Schema(
    Options: [{ value: { _id: ObjectId, Name: String } }]
    timestamps: {
      createdAt: "createdAt",
      updatedAt: "updatedAt"
    collection: "products"

Here I need the schema where if i will directly add/update the same document then it will be added.


  • You need to modify your schema like this :

        Options: [ new Schema ({ value: [...], _id: Schema.Types.ObjectId, Name: String })]

    This is the way to create an array of subdocuments with Mongoose. If you don't use the "new Schema" key words, you are actually creating a field with type "Mixed", which needs a different way to handle updates.

    You can also omit the _id, it should be added automatically.

    You can find more information on subdocument on this page :

    ...and on mixed type fields :

    ...which will explain shortly the problem.