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'ANY_NODE_APP' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file on windows 10

I use windows 10 OS . I already try :

npm i -g tslint

also local install.

I use visual code terminal (power shell , git bash and cmd ) no help in any variant.

Where is the execution file for tslint ? I will put path intro the PATH env var.


  • It is probably caused by the version conflict between global and project's TsLint. You can see your version by: tslint -v

    Then you can reinstall Tslint globally to latest version by: npm install tslint typescript -g

    Then use following command in your project directory to even up versions. npm install tslint typescript --save-dev

    And also you can search in your json files if there is a specification about Tslint version.