I would like help in wrapping an overloaded function that uses the return type of "auto". For example, the functions on lines 699 and 708 at https://github.com/microsoft/SEAL/blob/master/native/src/seal/ciphertext.h
SEAL_NODISCARD inline auto &scale() noexcept
return scale_;
SEAL_NODISCARD inline auto &scale() const noexcept
return scale_;
When I try to bind as follows,
py::class_<Ciphertext>(m, "Ciphertext")
.def("scale", (auto (Ciphertext::*)() const)&Ciphertext::scale, "returns a constant reference to the scale")
I see this error
...mseal.cpp:223:18: error: invalid use of ‘auto’
.def("scale", (auto (Ciphertext::*)() const)&Ciphertext::scale, "returns a constant reference to the scale")
I am using C++17 and python3. I don't want to modify the C++ SEAL library. Thank you.
EDIT: I just found out that pybind11 has a helper construct to do the same thing, leading to much simpler/cleaner code. Replace the PYBIND11_MODULE
block in the original answer with:
PYBIND11_MODULE(mseal, m) {
py::class_<Ciphertext>(m, "Ciphertext")
py::overload_cast<>(&Ciphertext::scale, py::const_),
"returns a constant reference to the scale")
"returns a reference to the scale");
Original answer: You will need decltype
to get to the return type and std::declval
to disambiguate the overload for decltype
. A full working example follows (C++14 minimum), where I've added the non-const version just to show that you have full control over the selection of either:
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/pytypes.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
namespace py = pybind11;
class Ciphertext {
inline auto &scale() noexcept {
std::cerr << "non-const called" << std::endl;
return scale_;
inline auto &scale() const noexcept {
std::cerr << "const called" << std::endl;
return scale_;
int scale_;
PYBIND11_MODULE(mseal, m) {
py::class_<Ciphertext>(m, "Ciphertext")
static_cast<decltype(std::declval<Ciphertext const&>().scale()) (Ciphertext::*)() const>(&Ciphertext::scale),
"returns a constant reference to the scale")
static_cast<decltype(std::declval<Ciphertext&>().scale()) (Ciphertext::*)()>(&Ciphertext::scale),
"returns a reference to the scale");
Which, when compiled into mseal.so
works as expected:
>>> import mseal
>>> mseal.Ciphertext().scale()
const called
>>> mseal.Ciphertext().scale_nonconst()
non-const called