I have a simple sqlite database setup with a table called sightings and a column within that table called name. I can run normal SELECT queries and INSERT's and UPDATE's just fine, but when I try to run DELETE, it prepends "new." into the column that I gave it and then says it doesn't exist:
sqlite> DELETE FROM sightings WHERE name = "blah";
Error: no such column: new.name
sqlite> DELETE FROM sightings WHERE names = "blah";
Error: no such column: names
The column is called "name" and when I select that column, it adds "new." in front of it, but when I select a wrong column that doesn't exist ("names" like above), it just says it doesn't exist normally, without the "new.". Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
It appears that you have a DELETE TRIGGER and that TRIGGER wrongly uses new.name to reference the name column of the deleted row (for a DELETE TRIGGER old. is used to reference columns from the deleted row).
You should change the TRIGGER to use old.name instead of new.name.
new.column is only applicable for INSERT or UPDATE triggers.
old.column is only applicable for DELETE or UPDATE triggers.
As per :-
Both the WHEN clause and the trigger actions may access elements of the row being inserted, deleted or updated using references of the form "NEW.column-name" and "OLD.column-name", where column-name is the name of a column from the table that the trigger is associated with. OLD and NEW references may only be used in triggers on events for which they are relevant, as follows:
- INSERT NEW references are valid
- UPDATE NEW and OLD references are valid
- DELETE OLD references are valid
SQL As Understood By SQLite - CREATE TRIGGER
Perhaps consider the following example :-
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS deleted_sightings (name TEXT); /* Table to be populated by the trigger */
INSERT INTO sightings VALUES ('blah'),('notblah'),('anothernotblah');
/* Normal deletion without triggers */
DELETE FROM sightings WHERE name = 'blah';
SELECT * FROM sightings; /* RESULT 1 (sightings table after deletion)*/
/* Add the row that was deleted again */
INSERT INTO sightings VALUES('blah');
/* Add a valid AFTER DELETE TRIGGER referring to the old column */
/* The Trigger will add a row to the deleted_sightings table using the value from the deleted row */
BEGIN INSERT INTO deleted_sightings
DELETE FROM sightings WHERE name = 'blah';
SELECT * FROM sightings; /* RESULT 2 (sightings table after deletion)*/
SELECT * FROM deleted_sightings; /* RESULT 3 deleted_sightings table */
/* Add a Trigger that will try to add a row to the deleted_sightings table */
/* BUT will result in the new.name column not being found as there is no */
/* new. for a DELETE trigger only old. */
CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS incorrect_trigger AFTER DELETE ON sightings BEGIN INSERT INTO deleted_sightings VALUES(new.name); END;
/* Show the triggers */
SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'trigger'; /* RESULT 4 - The triggers as per sqlite_master */
DELETE FROM sightings WHERE name = 'blah'; /* <<<<< DELETE will fail due to incorrect trigger */
The results being :-
And the error due to the incorrect trigger :-
/* RESULT 4 - The triggers as per sqlite_master */ DELETE FROM sightings WHERE name = 'blah' > no such column: new.name > Time: 0s