I have abstract class Child and abstract class Parent as follows:
abstract class Child {
abstract class Parent {
abstract getChild(): typeof Child; // <-- want a class that extends Child
The idea is that both Parent and Child are extended by actual implementation classes, where each implementation Parent knows what its Child class is:
class ActualChild extends Child {
class ActualParent extends Parent {
getChild() {
return ActualChild;
As far as TS is concerned, the returned object is of type Child, and thus cannot be instantiated.
I tried many different ways to explain that the function returns only a class that extends Child without success.
Is there any way to type that?
Declare an interface
to describe the abstract class Child
itself, and change the return type of getChild()
to be that interface.
interface ChildConstructor {
new(): Child;
abstract class Parent {
abstract getChild(): ChildConstructor;
Then this will compile without TypeScript errors:
const parentInstance: Parent = new ActualParent();
const ChildClass = parentInstance.getChild();
const childInstance = new ChildClass();