My Installer created with Inno Setup is about 850 MB in size containing about 7000 files and 890 Folders to an uncompressed size of 1.98 GB.
When starting the install process, after the Windows UAC Dialog shows up, the Installer is sitting with an empty icon in the Taskbar for approx. 45 seconds before the Welcome Dialog is being shown.
I'm assuming that this is happening during the process of unpacking the installer? Running the installer with just a dummy file entry has the Welcome Dialog show up immediately.
In the [Files]
section, I only specify a single relative folder:
Source: "{#Source}\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Compression in the [Setup]
section is set to:
Is there a dialog I can show during that time that gives the user visual feedback that something is being prepared?
To append to this question: The last entry in the Log file before the 45 second hang is:
Extracting temporary file: C:\Users\Markus\AppData\Local\Temp\is-CBETM.tmp\license.rtf
I'm using a custom License Page on which I extract the file and load it as RTFText:
procedure LicensePage_Create;
LicenseFileName: string;
LicenseFilePath: string;
LicenseText: AnsiString;
LicensePage := CreateOutputMsgMemoPage(wpSelectDir, SetupMessage(msgWizardLicense), SetupMessage(msgLicenseLabel), SetupMessage(msgLicenseLabel3), '');
LicensePage.RichEditViewer.Height := WizardForm.LicenseMemo.Height;
LicenseFileName := 'license.rtf';
LicenseFilePath := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\license.rtf');
LoadStringFromFile(LicenseFilePath, LicenseText);
LicensePage.RichEditViewer.RTFText := LicenseText;
LicensePage.OnActivate := @LicensePageActivate;
LicenseAcceptedRadio := CloneLicenseRadioButton(WizardForm.LicenseAcceptedRadio);
LicenseNotAcceptedRadio := CloneLicenseRadioButton(WizardForm.LicenseNotAcceptedRadio);
LicenseNotAcceptedRadio.Checked := True;
LicensePageID := LicensePage.ID;
When you want to use SolidCompression
(is it really worth it?), you have to put all files that are needed for the installer to start (like "license" file) before the big files.
Otherwise the installer has to decompress all the big files while starting.