I'm trying to write a macro function that gets attributes from a data set, and then stores them as a macro variable. I want to write this macro function in such a way that it can be used for multiple data sets, and multiple macro variables.
What's wrong with this:
%macro ExtractACell(dataset, storage_var, rownum=1, var_name=Make);
data _null_;
set &dataset. (obs=&rownum. firstobs=&rownum. keep = &var_name.);
call symputx(&storage_var., &var_name., "G");
%mend ExtractACell;
Whenever I try to run that I get notes like this:
NOTE: The quoted string currently being processed has become more than 262 bytes long. You might have unbalanced quotation marks.
NOTE: The quoted string currently being processed has become more than 262 bytes long. You might have unbalanced quotation marks.
27 %let SASWORKLOCATION="%sysfunc(getoption(work))/";
Does symputx
have rules against passing in macro variables that represent names of macro variables?
Make sure you are generating valid SAS code when your macro variables are expanded. In particular this statement:
call symputx(&storage_var., &var_name., "G");
Would require you to call the macro with quotes around the name of the macro variable you want it to create. Like this:
%ExtractACell(dataset=sashelp.cars, storage_var="mymvar", rownum=1, var_name=Make);
It might be simpler to code the macro using this statement.
call symputx("&storage_var", &var_name., "G");
Then you could call without the quotes around the macro variable name:
%ExtractACell(dataset=sashelp.cars, storage_var=mymvar, rownum=1, var_name=Make);
PS Your whole process is probably messed up if you need that macro.