A Hyper-V machine with Ubuntu 18 has a Symfony 4.3 app with SwiftMailer. Attempts to send an email from the command line with php bin/console swiftmailer:email:send
result in
[OK] 1 emails were successfully sent.
although mail.log contains this
localhost sm-mta[5847]: xBBFThub005847: localhost [] did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA-v4
and the email is never received.
default_mailer: memory
sender_address: 'admin@bogus.info'
transport: smtp
spool: { type: 'memory' }
sender_address: 'admin@bogus.info'
transport: smtp
type: file
path: '%kernel.project_dir%/var/spool'
Using the identical configuration from the host DOES deliver mail.
While the eventual solution may be excessive it is effective. I first tried installing sendmail but that went nowhere. Purged it and installed postfix following this tutorial on using postfix to relay to gmail. When a test message failed I followed the answer provide by kjones at this site. Allowed "Access for less secure apps setting" at gmail and all is now well.
All this for a practice go-live run!