I'm working on a bucklescript binding to leafletjs based on this project .
With leaflet a Map has a function to add layer and a Layer has a function to add itself to a map.
This is what I would like to achieve with ReasonML :
module Map = {
type t;
[@bs.send] external addLayer : (t, Layer.t) => t = "addLayer";
module Layer = {
type t;
[@bs.send] external addTo : Map.t => unit = "addTo";
Unfortunately I get an unbound module Layer error.
How do I make the compiler aware of the type described after ?
Option 1: Define the types in a common module and alias them:
type map;
type layer;
module Map = {
type t = map;
[@bs.send] external addLayer : (t, layer) => t = "addLayer";
module Layer = {
type t = layer;
[@bs.send] external addTo : map => unit = "addTo";
Option 2: Make the modules mutually recursive:
module rec Map : {
type t;
[@bs.send] external addLayer : (t, Layer.t) => t = "addLayer";
} = {
type t;
[@bs.send] external addLayer : (t, Layer.t) => t = "addLayer";
and Layer : {
type t;
[@bs.send] external addTo : Map.t => unit = "addTo";
} = {
type t;
[@bs.send] external addTo : Map.t => unit = "addTo";