I'm currently trying to learn the "most elegant and powerful" programming language since I'll need to be using it in about two months. However, I've been searching for an entire half-hour, and I have one simple request.
How do you read standard input with Pharo 7.0 Smalltalk on Windows? The solution I found here only works on Linux via using /dev/stdin
as a file.
Getting to standard input from a GUI application on Windows is not trivial (see https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/799cc2b6-309e-4758-8c3b-7c602bbfb736/in-a-gui-program-where-is-stdout?forum=vcgeneral) and few GUI applications support it.
Why do you want to do this? Is it so you can transfer what you've learned from C/C++/C#/Java/Python and other such console-based environments? If so, I suggest you change your approach. Instead of trying to transfer your C tutorials to Smalltalk, I suggest that you learn Pharo using https://mooc.pharo.org. If you want to look at user input in a GUI context, take a look at the UIManager.
On the other hand, if you must write a console-based application, see CommandLineUIManager.