I get cumulating memory using the following code. Every time I switch between the action button 1 and 2 the used memory increases.
ui <- navbarPage("Test",fluidPage(fluidRow(
column(width = 1, actionButton("action_input_1", label = "1")),
column(width = 1, actionButton("action_input_2", label = "2")),
column(width = 10, plotOutput("plot", width = 1400, height = 800)))))
server <- function(input, output) {
# 1
observeEvent(input$action_input_1, {
output$plot <- renderPlot({
print(cat(paste0("mem used 1: ", capture.output(print(mem_used())),"\n")))
# 2
observeEvent(input$action_input_2, {
output$plot <- renderPlot({
print(cat(paste0("mem used 2: ", capture.output(print(mem_used())),"\n")))
shinyApp(ui, server)
Due to a suggestion in this post, I have tried not to use observeEvent. Here is the server function:
server <- function(input, output) {
# 1
output$plot <- renderPlot({
print(cat(paste0("mem used 1: ", capture.output(print(mem_used())),"\n")))
# 2
output$plot <- renderPlot({
print(cat(paste0("mem used 2: ", capture.output(print(mem_used())),"\n")))
Here the memory does not increase, but only the second action button (=the last block of code?) is working. Is there a solution to prevent memory leak and get both buttons working?
How about using reactiveVal :
reactiveData <- reactiveVal(NULL)
observeEvent(input$action_input_1, reactiveData(rnorm(100)))
observeEvent(input$action_input_2, reactiveData(rnorm(1000)))
output$plot <- renderPlot(plot(reactiveData()))
Reactive values have a little different syntax:
reactiveData <- reactiveValues(rnorm = NULL, bool_val = NULL)
observeEvent(input$action_input_1, {# reactiveData(rnorm(100), bool_val <- TRUE))
reactiveData$rnorm <- rnorm(100)
reactiveData$bool_val <- TRUE
observeEvent(input$action_input_2, { #reactiveData(rnorm(1000), bool_val <- FALSE))
reactiveData$rnorm <- rnorm(1000)
reactiveData$bool_val <- FALSE
output$plot <- renderPlot(plot(reactiveData$rnorm))
Though your variables are changing in concert, so you could technically still use reactiveVal
reactiveData <- reactiveVal(list(rnorm = NULL, bool_val = NULL))
observeEvent(input$action_input_1, reactiveData(list(rnorm = 100, bool_val = TRUE)))
observeEvent(input$action_input_2, reactiveData(list(rnorm = 1000, bool_val = FALSE)))
output$plot <- renderPlot(plot(reactiveData()$rnorm))