I've implemented a simple flask application with mongodb that now needs some upgrades.
Let's say to have a class model for Foo and a class model for Bar in which there is a reference field to Foo
class Foo(Document):
title = StringField()
class Bar(Document):
name = StringField()
foo = ReferenceField('Foo')
Let the flask application runs doing its job for a while, so that now there are some data in the DB.
Due to requirements changes, we need to refactor the Foo class subclassing it from a new super class:
class SuperFoo(Document):
meta = { 'allow_inheritance': True,}
class Foo(SuperFoo):
class Bar(Document):
name = StringField()
foo = ReferenceField('Foo')
The code above works well with an empty database.
But in case of some data in it, mongoengine raises an Exception when a flask admin tries to show a Bar instance (in edit mode)
File "[...]/site-packages/mongoengine/fields.py", line 1124, in __get__
raise DoesNotExist('Trying to dereference unknown document %s' % value)
mongoengine.errors.DoesNotExist: Trying to dereference unknown document DBRef('super_foo', ObjectId('5617a08939c6c70cbaa2af6e'))
I suppose data model needs to be migrated in some way.
thanks, alessandro.
After a little analyis I came up to solve the problem.
Mongoengine creates a new collection super_foo
Documents of every inherited class goes into this super_foo
collection with an additional attribute _cls
The value is the CamelCased hierarchy path of that class. In this example documents will have
'_cls': 'SuperFoo.Foo'
What I've done is to copy every document from the old foo
collection into the new super_foo
one, adding the field {'_cls': u'SuperPlesso.Plesso'}
to each.
The migration function should look like:
def migrationFunc():
from pymongo.errors import DuplicateKeyError
from my.app import models
_cls = {'_cls': u'SuperFoo.Foo'}
fromOldCollection = models.Foo._collection
toSuperCollection = models.Superfoo._collection
for doc in fromOldCollection.find():
except DuplicateKeyError:
Then I updated the base code of the models with the actual new hierarchy:
class SuperFoo(Document):
meta = { 'allow_inheritance': True,}
# was class Foo(Document)
class Foo(SuperFoo):
Al back references to Foo
in Bar
collections, or elsewhere, are preserved.