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How to interrupt previous emits with the same event in Angular 8

I have an app that refreshes a datagrid table every time the user selects a row in the table. To make it simple here I have a sample code:


public jsonData = {...} //api request

this.rowSelectedEvent.subscribe(() => {

function refreshData(jsonData){`${environment.BASE_URL}/api`, jsonData.payload).subscribe(
    result => {
      this.resultData =
    err => {

The rowSelectedEvent is triggered in the HTML when the user clicks on a row of a table. This would be an example:


  <row (click)="notifyRowSelected"></row>


@Output() rowSelectedEvent: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter();


function notifyRowSelected(){

This code works fine, receives the API response with the new data, it lasts around 4-5 seconds that the server side make its calculations and returns the new values. The problem appears when the user clicks on a few rows repeatedly or in a small amount of time because the app goes crazy and refreshes the data multiple times instead of one time (the last one). I tried using unsubscribe() but then I'm not able to subscribe again so the functionality is lost. I've also tried switchMap() but for some reason when I debug the code it doesn't get into it.

The idea is to stop the pending processes when the user clicks on a new row letting just the last click being the one that make the calculations and receives the response. Any advice?


  • you could use the power of rxjs to handle that

    private makeCall(data) {
       map(() => this.jsonData),
       distinctUntilChanged(), // to skip the same events in a row
       switchMap((data) => this.makeCall(data)),
    ).subscribe((result) => this.resultData =

    all the required power lies in switchMap operator. Whenever new event comes it cancels the previous subscription(you will see canceled red request in a network tab if it is not complete yet) and handler inside of a subscribe will only receive the last event