I need to call multiple realms on the basis of tenantname entered in browser. Right now we are doing is by creating different JSON files as per the tenant name. But i need to call keycloak.json directly from Keycloak server rather than putting dummy json.
Front-end using is Angular 7.
So here the one solution which can be achieve with some changes in current design
User will enter the url something like https://<IP>:<PORT>/<GUI-PATH>?tenantId=<TenatID>
Now in your Java Script code call a rest api which will give you the detail of realmname/client-id
and other keycloak related information
Pass this information your keycloak.js adapter and keycloak.js
will check all the details and redirect to login page as well.
Initialize Keycloak & bootstrap app
function loadApp(keyCloakObj) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.onload = function(){
script.src = keycloakObj.url.split("auth")[0] + "auth/js/keycloak.js";
script.onerror = function () {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.onload = function(){
script.src = "app/auth/keycloak.js"
I just share basic code ,cant share full flow of code due to Copyright issue.