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Upgrading .NETv4.7 application to .NET Core v3 and Identity Platform

I'm investigating how to convert an Angular+.NETv4.7 application to a .NET Core v3 with Blazor and Identity Platform.

I can log in using Identity Platform and my Azure AD, although I have some advanced questions: User stays logged in after deleting from Azure AD

I'm now at the part that I want to show the name and the profile photo of the logged-in user. I'm using this example.

It works, I can get the photo and other data but only when I click on the profile link and trigger the Profile controller. The profile data is saved in ViewData. But how to get this data in my _LoginPartial.cshtml? Should I do the call the Graph in my Home controller as well?

Update: I managed to get it working by creating a View Component. Is that the proper workflow? I had to create 4 files to get this working: show the photo and the name.


  • Because Microsoft Identity Platform gave us more trouble than help, we decided to take another route and use Google to authenticate. This made it all much simpler.
    I've made a repo with my efforts, feel free to use. I'll keep enhancing it until I have a sample application that does what I need.