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Check in a tpl-if-tag, if characters are chinese in a gxt template

in my java gxt-project, I have a template, in which I have the following tpl tags, which decide, depending on a parenttitle, if the title has to be italics.

                <tpl if="titleORG != &quot;&quot;">
                <tpl if="ParentTitleORG == &quot;&quot;"><i></tpl>
                <b>{titleORG}<tpl if="subtitleORG != &quot;&quot;">: {subtitleORG}</tpl></b>
                <tpl if="ParentTitleORG == &quot;&quot;"></i></tpl>
                <tpl if="titleEN != &quot;&quot;">
                    <tpl if="officialTitleTranslation"> / {titleEN}<tpl if="subtitleEN != &quot;&quot;">: {subtitleEN}</tpl></tpl>

Lately, I got a ticket, whether it is possible to make title italics only, if they are not chinese or korean.

Any idea, how I can check for that?




  • You will have to check it in the Class you pass into the XTemplate.

    Add a boolean (I'll call it ckj) and set it in your constructor. [Using the Person example from GXT documentation]

      public class Person {
        private String name;
        private boolean ckj;
        private int age;
        public Person(String name, int age) {
 = name;
          this.age = age;
        public String getName() {
          return name;
        public int getAge() {
          return age;
        public boolean containsCKJ(String s) {
        return s.codePoints()
                .anyMatch(codepoint -> (Character.UnicodeScript.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeScript.HAN
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_A
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_B
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_C                    
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_UNIFIED_IDEOGRAPHS_EXTENSION_D                                                        
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_COMPATIBILITY
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_COMPATIBILITY_FORMS
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_COMPATIBILITY_IDEOGRAPHS
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_COMPATIBILITY_IDEOGRAPHS_SUPPLEMENT
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_RADICALS_SUPPLEMENT
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_STROKES
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.CJK_SYMBOLS_AND_PUNCTUATION
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.ENCLOSED_CJK_LETTERS_AND_MONTHS
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.ENCLOSED_IDEOGRAPHIC_SUPPLEMENT                                                                                           
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.KANGXI_RADICALS
                        || Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) == Character.UnicodeBlock.IDEOGRAPHIC_DESCRIPTION_CHARACTERS

    Then you can use an if expression in your template.

     <tpl if="!ckj">
     <tpl if="ckj">
     //no italics

    More discussion on checking for CKJ characters is here Differentiating CJK languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) in Android