I don't want to use forkJoin inside effect
In my effect, I am getting one array of id's and with the help of those ids, I want to call service multiple times. and every time when I get a response I want to dispatch an action to update my store
export class MovieEffects {
loadMovies$ = createEffect(() =>
ofType('[Movies Page] Load Movies'),
//here i am getting one array object via action, e.g. = [{id: 1},{id: 2},{id: 3},{id: 4} ]
//and here i want to call same service 4 time as per array length
// every time when get response i want to dispatch one action with response payload
mergeMap((action) => this.moviesService.getAll()
map(movies => ({ type: '[Movies API] Movies Loaded Success', payload: movies })),
catchError(() => of({ type: '[Movies API] Movies Loaded Error' }))
private actions$: Actions,
private moviesService: MoviesService
) {}
Just do a for each on your array of ids and call your service in that loop, creating and subscribing to the new observables and dispatching actions when they are done.
loadMovies$ = createEffect(() =>
ofType('[Movies Page] Load Movies'),
tap((action) => {
action.payload.forEach(id =>
map(movie => this.store.dispatch(new fromStore.GetMovieSuccess(movie)),
catchError(() => this.store.dispatch(new fromStore.GetMovieFail(id)))
), {dispatch: false}
I personally almost always use {dispatch: false} for my effects and dispatch the events manually as I don't like always having them at the end of the effect as well as often having some other issues with the syntax.