I am developing an TYPO3 extbase extension to connect to my external application that has a REST-API. All I want is to retrieve the data from my REST-API and pass this data to the controller. Since I am quite new to extbase development, I didn't really find any resources about Repository interacting with a webservice. Only documentation about Repository that interacts with a database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, ..) I would like to know, where should I place the cURL-Request Function to connect to the API? In the Model? In the Repository? How can the Controller in my Extension access that data? From Model or Repository?
What would be the best practice for retrieving the data from my external application/database ? (the data retrieved from the application is JSON-formatted) thanks for any advice / help!
What we usually do is create a Service (in Classes/Service
) and use that to connect to the webservice and fetch the data. If you want Models, you can create them there as well.
However, now that I think about it, technically it should be a Repository. It shouldn't matter where the Repository gets its data. Extbase shouldn't have any problem with a completely custom Repository (not extending any other class).