I am using TF 2.0.
from tensorflow.keras import layers
inputs = layers.Input(shape=(256,), sparse=False, name='name_sparse')
x = layers.Dense(32, name="my_layer")(inputs)
Output: Tensor("my_layer/Identity:0", shape=(None, 32), dtype=float32)
If I change sparse to True
in the above code, the output changes to:
ValueError: The last dimension of the inputs to Dense should be defined. Found None.
How can I pass a sparse tensor to the Dense layer in TF2.0. It works well in TF1.14.
This happens because when input tensor is sparse shape of this tensor evaluates to (None,None)
instead of (256,)
inputs = layers.Input(shape=(256,), sparse=True, name='name_sparse')
# output: (?, ?)
This also seems to be an open issue.
One solution is to write custom layer sub-classing Layer class (Refer this).
As a work-around (tested on tf-gpu 2.0.0) adding batch-size in input layer works fine:
from tensorflow.keras import layers
inputs = layers.Input(shape=(256,), sparse=True, name='name_sparse', batch_size=32)
print(inputs.shape) # (32, 256)
x = layers.Dense(32, name="my_layer")(inputs)
print(x) # Tensor("my_layer_10/BiasAdd:0", shape=(32, 32), dtype=float32)