Given a function parses incoming streams:
async onData(stream, callback) {
const parsed = await simpleParser(stream)
// Code handling parsed stream here
// ...
return callback()
I'm looking for a simple and safe way to 'clone' that stream, so I can save it to a file for debugging purposes, without affecting the code. Is this possible?
Same question in fake code: I'm trying to do something like this. Obviously, this is a made up example and doesn't work.
const fs = require('fs')
const wstream = fs.createWriteStream('debug.log')
async onData(stream, callback) {
const debugStream = stream.clone(stream) // Fake code
const parsed = await simpleParser(stream)
// Code handling parsed stream here
// ...
return callback()
No you can't clone a readable stream without consuming. However, you can pipe it twice, one for creating file and the other for 'clone'.
Code is below:
let Readable = require('stream').Readable;
var stream = require('stream')
// original stream, maybe from your parser or network
var s = new Readable()
// here use stream1 for normal usage, like creating file,
// and use stream2 for debugging, like a cloned stream.
var stream1 = s.pipe(new stream.PassThrough())
var stream2 = s.pipe(new stream.PassThrough())
// I just print them out for a quick show