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calculating probabilities using cdf without numerical underflow/overflow (in Python)

Consider the following task: for an arbitrary value x and a positive number s, compute the probability that a normally distributed random variable falls in the interval of length s centered at x.

In principle this is easily done:

def normal_inverval_prob(y, s, mean, sd):
    return norm.cdf(x=y+s/2.0, loc=mean, scale=sd) - norm.cdf(x=y-s/2.0, loc=mean, scale=sd)

normal_inverval_prob(-3, .2, 1, 1)#2.7438837105055897e-05
normal_inverval_prob(-3, .2, 1, .1)# 0.0

My problem is that last line: for some values I get a probability of zero though the actual probability is some small number greater than zero. This causes divide-by-zero issues for me later in my code.

Turns out I can work with log probabilities, so I rework the function to give me log probabilities using only the log cdf:

def normal_inverval_logprob(y, s, mean, sd):
    p1 = norm.logcdf(x=y+s/2.0, loc=mean, scale=sd)
    p0 = norm.logcdf(x=y-s/2.0, loc=mean, scale=sd)
    return p1 + np.log1p(-np.exp(p0 - p1))

np.exp(normal_inverval_logprob(-3, .2, 1, 1))#2.7438837105055897e-05
normal_inverval_logprob(-3, .2, 1, .1)#-765.0831565643776

For other values, this log probability function runs into problems:

normal_inverval_logprob(3, .2, 1, .1)
/home/keith/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log1p
  after removing the cwd from sys.path.

The problem, as you might expect is that the exp of the difference in log cdfs at this point evaluates to 1 (a different kind of numerical underflow problem) despite the fact that the log cdfs are not equal:

np.exp(norm.logcdf(2.9, 1, .1) - norm.logcdf(3.1, 1, .1))#1.0
norm.logcdf(3.1, 1, .1) > norm.logcdf(2.9, 1, .1)#True
np.allclose(norm.logcdf(3.1, 1, .1), norm.logcdf(2.9, 1, .1))#True

I'm not sure how to work around this (or if there is some totally different way to accomplish my goal).


  • One trivial approach is to use expm1 instead of log1p:

    return p1 + np.log(-np.expm1(p0 - p1))

    If even that fails, you could approximate with a Riemann sum (here, of just one term):

    def normal_inverval_prob(y, s, mean, sd):
      return norm.pdf(x=y, loc=mean, scale=sd) * s

    This will underestimate the tails; you could average the values at the endpoints of your interval to get an upper bound there. Of course, with the exp(-x2) eventually even that will underflow: the PDF is already too small for float64 by z=±39.