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Invert the canvas' drawText()

Been looking for a way to invert the text when I draw the texts on my canvas object. I could not find any related problem here in SO. (Maybe I am using the wrong keywords.) This is what I want to achieve with drawText():

enter image description here

Is this feature available in package?


  • This code solved my issue.

    String textToWrite = "Hello World";
    int padding = 5;
    int paddingTop = padding;
    int paddingBottom = padding;
    int paddingLeft = padding;
    int paddingRight = padding;
    Rect bounds = new Rect();
    mPaint.getTextBounds(textToWrite, 0, textToWrite.length(), bounds);
    Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
            bounds.width() + paddingLeft + paddingRight,
            bounds.height() + paddingTop + paddingBottom,
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
    int y = (bitmap.getHeight() + bounds.height() - padding)/2 ;
    canvas.drawText(textToWrite, paddingLeft, y, mPaint);

    If you want to add this inverted text to the rest of your canvas, simply draw bitmap to your global canvas like so:

    mOriginalCanvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, mCurrentX, mCurrentY, mOriginalPaint);