So, let's assume that I have a portion of a log line that looks something like this:
Dec 11 13:59:17 NPF_OLT_LAB05: clear service affecting Alarm for ONT "100002" at 2019/12/11 13:59:17.28: "ONT Dying Gasp"
And I have to create a filter that does something like this
filter {
if ([message]) =~ "NPF_OLT_LAB05"{
match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGBASE} %{WORD:Alarm_Severity} %{DATA:Message} %{QS:ONT_ID} %{DATA:Time} %{QS:ONT_Message}" }
Is this possible?
check with below configuration,
filter {
if "NPF_OLT_LAB05" in [message] {
match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGBASE} %{WORD:Alarm_Severity} %{DATA:Message} %{QS:ONT_ID} %{DATA:Time} %{QS:ONT_Message}" }